This is a 2-day event, 4 hours training each, with 1 hr lunch break in between. This seminar will be very much application and 八極拳Bajiquan bio-mechanic refinement focused. That means you will learn about the unique 李書文 Li Shu-Wen lineage's Bajiquan body structure, how it moves and combat approach by doing lots of drills and 2-men practices. We will be learning a short form 八極架 BajiJia as the base to learn its applications. BajiJia is the simplified version of 小八極 XiaoBaji that was designed by Grandmaster 劉雲樵 Liu Yun-Qiao in the early 1980s during the time when XiaoBaji was only allowed to be taught to the presidential guards. and Baji Jia was created to teach Wu Tan students and civilians. Baji Jia contains 75% of what XiaoBaji has to offer, and I think BajiJia is a great material to train in a seminar setting. All martial arts enthusiasts at all-levels are welcomed.
Shifu Vincent Mei is a Tan-generation disciple under the late master Dr Charles Chen. He is currently the head coach of Wu Tan USA New Jersey branch, as well as the founder and head coach of the renown Bajquan online-streaming training platform BajiShu. Shifu Vincent is on a mission to promote Bajiquan to the world by taking the transparent approach to teach proper biomechanics as well as applications. For more about Shifu Vincent Mei, visit his Youtube Channel:
WHEN // Saturday, October 7th 3pm-7pm continue on Sunday, October 8th 10am-4pm
LOCATION // GENOA, ITALY. Gymnasium Health Club C.S.B, Genoa Sestri West 7 n. Cap. 16153
Day 1
- Bajiquan Intro
- Bajiquan Drills
- 八極架 Baji Jia Pt.1 form and applications
- Practical 2-men Drills
Day 2
- Bajiquan Drills
- 八極架 Baji Jia Pt.2 form and applications
- Practical 2-men Drills
WHO // Martial arts enthusiasts at any level are welcomed.