來體驗引人入勝的為期兩天的研討會,在吉隆坡近郊文冬的一座山區農場度假中心 - 松岩(講座門票包括住宿與農場到餐桌的健康美食)這次集訓重點將放在神槍李書文傳武壇劉雲樵係的八極拳和劈掛掌這兩種截然不同但完全互補的古老中國武術風格。參與力量訓練和搭檔練習,深入探討比較八極的近身攻擊與劈掛掌的遠程打擊技巧的完美銜接與融合。
五月十日前早鳥折扣減15%, 折價碼: EARLYBIRDMAY15
Come experience a captivating 2-Day seminar in a mountain farm resort - Song Yan outside of Kuala Lumpur (Admission includes lodging and farm to table meals).
Where we merge the dynamic arts of Bajiquan and Pigua Zhang, two distinct yet harmonious ancient Chinese martial styles. Engage in strength-building drills and partner practice, delving into the fusion of close-quarter Baji attacks and the long-range striking techniques of Pigua.
Early Registration before May 10th gets 15% off, use code: EARLYBIRDMAY15
Martial arts enthusiasts of all level are welcome.
2023年義大利八極拳講座攢及參考 Snippet from the: 2023 Europe Seminar in Italy
講座內容 Seminar Content Brief
In this seminar we are focusing on introducing the contrast differences and complementaries between Bajiquan and Pigua Zhang.
Day 1, we will put emphasis on Bajiquan structural strength, and biomechanics building, as well as introduce some signature Bajiquan applications and combat approach.
Day 2, we will shift gear to learning the drastically different Pigua Zhang mechanics and combat approach. By the end of the two-day seminar, attendees will have a good understanding of why there’s such saying:
“When Baji mixed with Pigua, even the celestials and demons tremble in awe; When Pigua mixed with Baji, warriors and heroes lament for being unmatched.”
松岩 Song Yan
At Song Yan, we believe in the importance of mindful eating and sustainable living. Located on eighteen acres of arable land in Bukit Tinggi, our eco-friendly leisure farm promotes green living through natural farming practices. Our commitment to holistic living extends to our farm stay accommodations, where guests can experience a truly sustainable lifestyle. With a focus on organic farming and limited use of commercial products, we strive to minimize our environmental impact for future generations. Our dedication to loving the land is evident in every aspect of our operation.
松岩網站 Song Yan Website: https://songyan.com.my/resort
WHEN // Saturday, July 20th 2:30pm-9pm, continue on Sunday, July 21st 9am-3pm
LOCATION // 馬來西亞 文冬 Lot 8423 & 8424 Kampung Bukit Tinggi, Bukit Tinggi, 28750, Pahang.
關於梅耀中教練 About Shifu Vincent Mei
 | 梅耀中教練是武壇大師陳長霖博士的「壇」字輩入室弟子。梅教練現任美國新澤西武壇主教練一職。也是「八極塾」Bajiquan 線上培訓平台的總教練與發起人。梅教練的學生遍佈全球,致力於透明地傳授正確的傳武力學和應用技巧,推廣八極拳。以下連結可看到梅教練在Youtube上分享的武術教學影片視頻。 Shifu Vincent Mei, a Tan-generation disciple under the esteemed late master Dr. Charles Chen, holds the position of head coach at Wu Tan USA New Jersey. He is also the visionary behind BajiShu, a renowned online streaming platform for Bajiquan training. With students spanning the globe, Shifu Vincent is dedicated to promoting Bajiquan worldwide through transparent instruction on proper biomechanics and applications. Discover more about Shifu Vincent Mei on his YouTube Channel. |
無有問題問題請至電郵 Contact us: [email protected]
八極塾網路商店 Visit BajiShu Design Store: www.bajishudesign.com